
CoE競賽組織--ACE已於剛剛發佈消息!將於9月初於台北、高雄舉辦兩場CoE競賽國際杯測師訓練營,本次活動由台灣國際咖啡交流協會協助辦理,詳情請登入下列連結:本次杯測訓練營為期兩天,參加者將可以學到以CoE評分系統來測出咖啡樣品的品質,尤其在精品豆杯測兩大支柱:乾淨度與甜度。更多說明如下:The intermediate cupping program is designed for those who wish to increase their ability to discriminate between coffees and to communicate relative qualities of differing coffees using the Cup of Excellence scoring methodology. The Cup of Excellence form emphasizes specific flavor attributes that are most important in selecting the most outstanding coffees.Coursework focuses on practical cupping of recent Cup of Excellence coffees and other good quality coffees that are assesed as being slightly inferior. Topics will include:

  • Detailed examination of the different flavor attributes (clean cup, sweetness, etc.) 
  • Developing a consistent personal calibration through comparison of different coffees
  • Acid Profiling
  • Details of the psychological and physical aspects of cupping
  • Cuppings will consist of samples of known quality compared to samples of varying quality


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